History 沿革詳細
Kyoto Sculptors Association
Kyoto Sculptors Association began as the Federation of Kyoto Sculptors in 1970. It was started in 1961, when several sculptures by the students of art colleges in Kyoto and the sculptors living in Kyoto were collected to hold an outdoor sculpture exhibition. In 1969, the first Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition was held, sponsored by Kyoto Prefecture as a part of an art promotion project by the Department of Commerce, Industry, Arts, and Crafts. The Federation changed it's name in 1996 to Kyoto Sculptors Associotion. The Associotion has been collaborating with Kyoto prefecture since its foundation, and currently has 130 members. We aim to promote friendship and collaboration among different organization, and encourage Kyoto citizens' understanding of art. The Kyoto Sculptors Association Exhibition is held in spring, and Kyoto Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition and Sculpture Exhibition in Kyoto Prefectural Goverment Office in fall are herd annually for these purposes. Now, we are holding a project which promote a link to other prefectures and overseas artist along with a trial lesson for next generation. In addition, we intend to continuing a lot of activity going forward with our associstion's wide range of age groups.